Friday, December 17, 2010

Just when the caterpillar thinks is the end of the world,
the butterfly knows is only the beginning ....

When u're failed,try to think maybe u gotta success soon?
When u're sad , try to think u might feel happy later on?
Without failure ,u might never success..
Without sadness , u might never know the Happiness..
Without bitterness , u might never know the sweetness..
Everything got 2 sides.. Treasure everything that happened around u ...

Today,someone said everyone got 2 sides...2 characters but mine will be BIGGER difference compare to others...And yeah,maybe he's right...I admit that i love to be quiet but can also be very talkative...i love to hide alone in room but can also play crazily outside with friends..i love to be emo but i can also be a cheerful smiley girl.. a lots and a lots...But,thats me...Thats huiyi =) I enjoy every moment in my life no matter is sad or happy...Because thats my life...
Nice to meet u all...Thanks for appeared in my life that can complete my very OWN story =) And the story is still going...i hope it will become more and more colourful and Great! To be continue.....

Thursday, December 16, 2010

No one can predict to what heights you can soar,
even you will not know until you spread your wings~

As what people always love to say ''Never try , Never know...''
Do u dare to spread your wings?

World is more trapped in a small cage..forget all the bad things i had before...think wider...think brighter..That's how we live happily always..treasure every seconds i have.. Live in the moments is the way i love =)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

This's my TOP SECRET !!!!
DO not open! =p
Hehehe...My 1st Christmas present for myself!!
I'm lovin it~ It looks cool,don't u think so? wuahahaha =p

Monday, December 13, 2010

Under Your Wings~

Under Your wings...
Hope there're a pair of wings for me..
Let me rest under your wings...
no need to be afraid of everything...
no need to act strong always again..
Just be the small girl as i wish to be.......

- 我們都怕痛 但又好想試著牽手
兩顆心 隱藏在背後不敢承諾 -

我们都怕痛..蛮喜欢这首歌的..蛮有感觉 =p
还有 UNDER YOUR WINGS 这首歌..好感人的一首歌..
最近都赖在家里当宅女..看台湾偶像剧-爱无限!还不错看.. =p

圣诞节..圣诞节..圣诞节.....会是个怎样的圣诞节..呢? 嘻嘻...小小的期待...


各位,晚安咯 =)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

MErry Christmas

So fast..Christmas coming again !!! Turkey?Red wine?CHoco cakes?ice creams?ginger man cookies?presents?!Will i have a great Christmas this year? Will be fun ? haha..I'm quite looking forward to it and really HOPE it will be funs and Great! =)
I love give me feeling of Happiness + Sweets + Warms !
Santa Claus~ please give me presents! hahahaha~ should i hanging a lots of socks on the wall so that u will fill in all?! I want lots lots lots lots presents =P * so greedy me*

Last but not least, Merry Christmas to U all~~~~~~
It's also a GOOD times for us to gathering !!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

It's just so nice!! never thought that potato chips can match so well with chocolate!!!
They're Best friend!! haha.. u guys,gotta try it if got chance !!! =)

This's the REAL yummy yummy chocolate !! i love this Bitter one..
The artisans make the finest in premium chocolate!!!
It's just melt slowly on your tongue .. the chocolate just so smooth likes silk ! there's a little bit bitter with sweetness..Perfect !! =)

People said eat chocolate when u're down ! And yeah~i agree with it !! It cheers me up~
forget all the unhappy~ enjoy the happiness ~
Gogogo! jiayou jiayou !! =)

P/S : Enjoying this 2 choco now~ OMG~ i'm so Happiness !!!! hehe~

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I'm messy when i gonna make some decision..WHY?
Maybe i'm still hoping something in my deepest heart...?
Maybe i'm too afraid to make wrong decision again...?
Maybe i want it to be GREAT / PERFECT too much ...?
Maybe.....It's just maybe...
The real reason...Don't try to ask me,because i also Don't Know T.T

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

与其卑微的恋爱,不如孤傲的发霉 ....

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Alright...time to blog a little bit stuff.. =p

Thurs was clubbing with my hometown friends ..
1st time,and finally i went to Quattro..Heard about it for long time dy but always no chance to go...This Club are separated for 4 parts..Spring Summer Autumn Winter..Sounds interesting right?
BUT,it's not that nice and fun as i think .. hehe .. I guess..wont go there again? XD
That night , they all almost DRUNK..only me and lovely chin so so awake! hahaha..
After that we went to buy 20 pieces MCD nuggets to cure our stomach!! Hungry... =p
So,after sent all one by's 5++am to be my turn to back home..After bath,OMG! 6am!!! haha..9am woke up for work again..Am i a superwoman? =p

Sat! TIme to celebrate AngWee's birthday! yuhooo...We went to Fullhouse@Sunway Giza with my lovely gangs after work @10pm ..
We gave Him a ''stupid'' Surprise @12am ,although it's quite failed but Full of Laughssss..Hahahahaaaaaaa...It was FUNs! i think AngWee was Enjoying too? =p
So goes,Another 4am sleep! goodness..
Panda eyes getting serious! Have to sleep early from today onwardS?hahahaha ..
Last but not least...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY To Angwee Dude!!!!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

ELVA蕭亞軒 - 錯的人Mv


Tuesday, November 2, 2010

So sleepy...never sleep well or rest well more than a week dy..
so many things happened recently...
Human being just so unpredictable...
Guys,live in the matter what happened,we still have to continue our journey!!
Life is not that long..So,cherish what we having now..Love our life =)
Aza Aza FIghtIng !!!! Jiayou jiayou gogogo~~~~

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

After viewing my lovely chin's blog..what can i say is....I gotta feeling...wuhoooo!!! =p
And yeah,I'm also the same...almost forgot how to believe after so much hurting.
I'm still remember how hurts is it and the scars still there always so that i'm not dare to step forward or try again..
Love need courage but i used up once ago..Maybe now is times to find back all the courage i had before? =)

Everything will be fine..Everything will be Okie...
Try to believe in Law of Attraction.Good things will come to u if u're thinking about the good stuff (positive thinking) , and also Bad things will come to u if u're negative mind! So,what will u choose?
After all,what i want to say is...Now I'm choosing to believe even though I'm not sure what's hiding at the behind.

Last but not least,i'm glad that i'm still alive and able to blog, Facebook, Msn,hang out with friends etc...It's so good that i'm still breathing !! Life is fragile..Thus,we SHOULD treasure everything we have..we SHOULD live in the moment !!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

周杰倫-說了再見 ~



Thursday, October 7, 2010

人生嘛,不过如此而已~: 笑,不过是挂在脸上的一个表情,不代表真正的开心。哭,也不过是短暂的心血来潮,不代表真正的难过。失去了...

还有一个朋友说 :‘笑’不过是挂在脸上的一个表情,不代表真正的开心。‘哭’,也不过是短暂的心血来潮,不代表真正的难过。失去了从前的天真,情绪不再有什么起伏,已没有了心痛的泪水。等待着有一天会出现一个人,为这黑白的世界添上色彩,在这生命里刮起一阵强风,划破这平静的生活,从回到当初的天真。。。"
朋友说 :时间,可以了解爱情,可以证明爱情,也可以推翻爱情。



Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Crazily thinking of various chocolate cakes now...How great if there're LOTSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssss of cakes in front of me right now!! hahahaha...So can cheers me up..forget all the unhappiness !!! =p yuhooooooooooo


Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Nice edit~ thx ya!!! =) i will enjoy my life..enjoy everything for sure!!!! =)
Stay happiness...HAppy...everyday!!! =) YEahssssssssssss
Drink Drank Drunk!!!! easy to feel drunk today .. o.O
Hehehehe...slp slp slp lor...have a nice day ya!!! =)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Why all just likes same one? similar one?i can't accept this reason...again n again...

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Leehom Wang - Forever Love

听着收音机播放着王力宏的''Forever Love''..
Forever Love..世上真的存在着吗?当初你说,当然有!而且要让我们证明给大家看,而我深深的相信了..

人生啊..很快就过了..真的应该活在当下!!虽然未来充满着未知数但是大家还是得努力地奔向属于自己的未来!!! 走吧..大步地往前走吧!累了就停下..好了就狂奔..当然,也能漫步享受当下!!! =)

Friday, October 1, 2010

This is what i drank today..Dark Mocha =) It's so yummy but....After it,i drunk! hahaha
My boss gonna drives mad by me..Because i'm too high for hours..
Well,feel dizzy + vomit feels too..Wine do not make me drunk but coffee does! Sounds Funny right? =p
I'm decided...will order Raspberry Blackcurrant Frappuccino next time!!! juice + tea (no coffee)!!

P/S : 刚好发现忘了PO这些照片..一直放在DRAFT..所以现在PO上来了哦..虽然有点''过期''了..嘻嘻...

中秋节快乐!!! 已经有3年无法在家庆中秋了..难得这次有机会..超开心的!!呵呵..虽然没有很好玩*毕竟都长大了,没像以前一样点满蜡烛与灯笼,没有提灯龙游街,没有用铁盖煮东西,没有很多朋友在居銮*但是,我过得很开心,很满足!! =) 有时候,简单就是幸福!!

我最爱的上海月饼!!!妈妈因为我爱吃所以买了6盒!!太夸张了...但我知道因为爸妈太爱我了!!哈哈哈..幸福的我..... =p


小小庆祝了一番 =) 谢谢你们的出席哦..呵呵..


客家雷茶 me n lovely mummy!!! =)

第一次吃 Haagen Dazs 月饼..赞!!!全都是雪糕哦..做的超像蛋黄月饼的!!哈..

哦..我爱的J.CO Donuts.. =) Yummy !!!

幸福很难吗? 嗯..一点也不 !!^_^
就像刚刚和BOBO去''甜品哥哥''吃甜品..我感到好幸福哦..因为我还能吃到这么好吃的美食!!!比起很多人,我超幸福的了..对吗? 哈哈..
我呀..能没有男朋友..但是不能没有美食!!!! =p



芋香汤圆西米露? 满好吃的..很香!!汤圆超赞的,味道刚刚好而且不粘牙!!


芒果黑糯米西米露!! 赞!!! =)

我最爱的Durian Pancake !!! 超好吃的 !! 必吃 !!!^_^

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

When u start to Care something @ someone..Be aware!! Because u're inviting all the emotions likes sadness , emptiness as well ?.. But also Happiness too ? =)

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Well,i seems likes waste a good chance...?
Before interview,i think..Okie..if selected then just go for it !!!
Who knows..i'm really ENTER for 2nd interview Yet i give up... T_T a right decision? But,what's the real reason to cause me step back?

  • Because it's Air Asia but not Air Asia X that i want?
  • Because i afraid can't make it in time for work?
  • Because didn't dare to step out the new step?
  • It's my dream to be an air stewardess in order to travel different people with different cultural,different religion... I want job+vacation..Now,i got the chance dy but....!
  • sigh..but, I want an airline which more long haul flight but not domestic...

So So SO...After all,i decided to give up! hahaha...
Aim for better,biggest airlines !!! Go Go GO!!!hahaha...Think positive =) Maybe GOD want me go for better one?It's just warm up for me? hehehe... k la..stop struggling..stop frustrating !!! Some more,i got back some confidences which i lost after interview today . It's a good tried !!! Thanks Jeffrey to ask me along for this,i did something i never dare to do again !! =)

LOvE LIfE + EnJoY LIfE !!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wow..i'm doing something CRAZY that night.. Not really crazy maybe but It's just so so so Crazy for me !! hahaha...never think that i'm dare to do it !!
Anyway, Happy birthday to my cutie friend-Shirley Soong..Had a Great day..Great funs..went to Feng Lai Taiwanese restaurant@Garden for lunch..It's so yummy yummy =) will visit it again !! =p

After that went to MOLI-Q ..take part in a competition (Actually just feel to help shirley as she can't get enough participants .Thus, they plead me to take part as well in order to prevent from being scold by their boss.) Haha..i eventually cat walk..posers..performance a song with Yufa etc..Know what?! Usually i didn't even dare to sing k with friends but now i sing in front bunch of friends + strangers !!!Some more,i did it well !! Wow...Surprise !! It's good to me become more confidences right? =p In the end,i enter the final competition but i won't attend it i think...hehe..because not really like those environment =p BUT,the prizes so attractive!! how how? should go or should not? =X

After Moli Q,we went for yamcha session @ station's around 3am dy but i'm still ate cheese egg sandwich with hot Yestea !!GOSH,how to be slimmer ya?hahaha... Not yet finish,we gave Shirley a surprise after that.We're success to SHOCK her and make her laugh non-stop!We can't find a birthday cake at that time so we replaced it with a Special burger with candle!it's funs and we took lots of picturessssssss..As she said,it's a simple yet meaningful birthday.

We finished our photo sessions around 5am,they sent me home but then pulled me out for breakfast(dim sum @ old klang road) again!!!Thus,i just simply took my stuff and uniforms to Shirley house!it's damn crazy right?We's just play play play untill 7am..Well,gals continue chit chat sessions untill 11am which means i straight went to work without sleep!!!! LOLzz..This is so called YOUNG LIFE?Sure,i'm just like a zombie during working..SO SLEEPY next next time,okie?

Anyhow,i enjoyed a lots..thanks you guys =) hope can catch up with u all SOON !!

* Love Life + Enjoy Life *

There got lots pics not with just upload some ya.. =)

Happy Birthday Surprise to SHirley Gal.. =)

With Kai...

With Wahson....

With Tommy...

Thx for the Tickets (votes)..

With yufa... =)

With Jinyu....

With chenliang...

On stage? haha =p

With birthday Gal - Lovely Shirley =)

With Beauty Pauline =)

With Shapo Sister - Wanting =)

There WE are againzzzzzz .. hehehe