Friday, December 17, 2010

Just when the caterpillar thinks is the end of the world,
the butterfly knows is only the beginning ....

When u're failed,try to think maybe u gotta success soon?
When u're sad , try to think u might feel happy later on?
Without failure ,u might never success..
Without sadness , u might never know the Happiness..
Without bitterness , u might never know the sweetness..
Everything got 2 sides.. Treasure everything that happened around u ...

Today,someone said everyone got 2 sides...2 characters but mine will be BIGGER difference compare to others...And yeah,maybe he's right...I admit that i love to be quiet but can also be very talkative...i love to hide alone in room but can also play crazily outside with friends..i love to be emo but i can also be a cheerful smiley girl.. a lots and a lots...But,thats me...Thats huiyi =) I enjoy every moment in my life no matter is sad or happy...Because thats my life...
Nice to meet u all...Thanks for appeared in my life that can complete my very OWN story =) And the story is still going...i hope it will become more and more colourful and Great! To be continue.....

Thursday, December 16, 2010

No one can predict to what heights you can soar,
even you will not know until you spread your wings~

As what people always love to say ''Never try , Never know...''
Do u dare to spread your wings?

World is more trapped in a small cage..forget all the bad things i had before...think wider...think brighter..That's how we live happily always..treasure every seconds i have.. Live in the moments is the way i love =)

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

This's my TOP SECRET !!!!
DO not open! =p
Hehehe...My 1st Christmas present for myself!!
I'm lovin it~ It looks cool,don't u think so? wuahahaha =p

Monday, December 13, 2010

Under Your Wings~

Under Your wings...
Hope there're a pair of wings for me..
Let me rest under your wings...
no need to be afraid of everything...
no need to act strong always again..
Just be the small girl as i wish to be.......

- 我們都怕痛 但又好想試著牽手
兩顆心 隱藏在背後不敢承諾 -

我们都怕痛..蛮喜欢这首歌的..蛮有感觉 =p
还有 UNDER YOUR WINGS 这首歌..好感人的一首歌..
最近都赖在家里当宅女..看台湾偶像剧-爱无限!还不错看.. =p

圣诞节..圣诞节..圣诞节.....会是个怎样的圣诞节..呢? 嘻嘻...小小的期待...


各位,晚安咯 =)

Saturday, December 11, 2010

MErry Christmas

So fast..Christmas coming again !!! Turkey?Red wine?CHoco cakes?ice creams?ginger man cookies?presents?!Will i have a great Christmas this year? Will be fun ? haha..I'm quite looking forward to it and really HOPE it will be funs and Great! =)
I love give me feeling of Happiness + Sweets + Warms !
Santa Claus~ please give me presents! hahahaha~ should i hanging a lots of socks on the wall so that u will fill in all?! I want lots lots lots lots presents =P * so greedy me*

Last but not least, Merry Christmas to U all~~~~~~
It's also a GOOD times for us to gathering !!!